Literacy First Character School


LFCS is pleased to offer our families the option of an extended care program. These programs are available to single-parent families or families with both parents working. Extended Care will be offered through a lottery system for the 2023-2024 school year. A description of the time and costs are provided below. For inquiries please email All Applications are due by August 16, 2023.

You can download the enrollment form

For Existing Accounts and to view Balances

For Purchases

Option 1

Extended Kinder Care (Primary and Liberty Campus Only)

LFCS is pleased to offer our families the option of an extended care program. These programs are available to single-parent families or families with both parents working. Extended Care will be offered through a lottery system for the 2023-2024 school year. A description of the time and costs are provided below. For inquiries please email All Applications are due by August 16, 2023.

Option 2

After School Program 1st– 8th grades (All Sites )

During this time, students will have play time, snack time, and outdoor playtime. Children will be checked into the extended care program at 3:40 p.m. Students not picked up during car pick-up will be checked into Extended Care. Parents are responsible for fees.
Fees: $5.00 per day (3:40 -4:30) $10.00 per day (3:40 -5:30 )

Option 3

Half days (Extended Care is open from 11:45 AM– 5:30 PM)

This is used for all students participating in minimum-day extended care. $10.00 per day 11:45 AM -3:30PM
$15.00 per day 11:45 AM – 4:30PM
$20.00 per day 11:45 AM- 5:30PM
Extended Care is only provided Monday – Thursday

Multiple student discount – A 15% discount is offered to families with siblings also enrolled (The discount applies to one sibling). Students may not be on campus before 7:30 a.m. or after 5:30 p.m.
Late pick-up will be charged at the rate of 5.00 for each 10 minutes past 5:30 PM.